Our Mission

Franklin Advisors is a minority-owned business that provides strategic guidance to advance business performance on Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG).  We develop and catalyze business strategies focused on DEI, supplier diversity, talent acquisition, financial inclusion, corporate social responsibility, and community engagement.  Through these efforts, Franklin helps mitigate risk exposure for its clients in a complex landscape of expectations and opposition from policymakers and stakeholders.  We empower our clients’ business performance through a strategic understanding of the evolving legislative and regulatory environment.

We are committed to ESG conscious clients

ESG has evolved into a comprehensive effort to mitigate risk exposure through the proactive implementation of sustainable business practices.  Corporations that meet these evolving challenges are more profitable, face lower regulatory risk and achieve greater workforce retention.  Franklin Advisors strives to support business leaders and community partners who embrace these challenges through the development and execution of results-driven strategies. 

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Supplier Diversity, many faces

US corporations are navigating an ever-evolving workforce and consumer landscape.  Thoughtful companies are embracing these demographic changes through the implementation of forward-looking business practices.  Franklin Advisors empowers its clients’ business performance through quantitative and qualitative DEI analysis/strategies including supplier diversity solutions, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs, Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) compliance strategies, development of third-party partnerships, financial and economic inclusion efforts, and Employee Resource Group (ERG) engagement strategies.  We empower business leaders to develop inclusive communications to internal and external stakeholders, but more importantly, to deliver tangible results for these stakeholders as well.

corporate social responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

The best corporations recognize their business success is inextricably linked to the success of the communities in which their workforce and clients live and thrive.  Proximity to these communities is best achieved through strategic partnerships and solutions which foster greater financial inclusion, economic opportunity, clean and green neighborhoods, STEM and STEAM education, and support for the welfare of families.  Franklin Advisors helps its clients to develop partnerships with community partners who share their values and vision of community.   We enhance corporate brand equity thru community engagement.